BATEGU presented its new technology

BATEGU presented its new technology

as a world's first at the 6th international "Fire Safety in Railway Systems" symposium



The international "Fire Safety in Railway Systems" symposium was held at the end of September 2013 in Rostock, Germany, with experts from 13 nations in attendance. The professional event organised by IFV BAHNTECHNIK, Interdisziplinärer Forschungsverbund Bahntechnik e.V., consisted of a thoroughly interesting combination of expert presentations, practical fire tests and exchange of experiences among companies representing the entire spectrum of the railway industry interested in gathering and exchanging information about relevant innovations. The auditorium and team of presenters were filled with top experts in the field. The interdisciplinary presentations and stimulating contributions to the discourse were marked by an extremely high level of professional expertise. As this was an excellent international venue for presenting a world's first, BATEGU introduced a technical solution under the title "Fire protection for rubber and rubber compound components under dynamic loads on vehicles", the patent process for which was not finalised until just a few days before the symposium.

BATEGU developed this technology over the course of several years. It already meets the specifications laid out in fire safety standard EN 45545, which entered into force at the middle of the year. BATEGU is the first supplier in the world to successfully manufacture rubber and rubber-metal components that deliver the static and dynamic properties needed in bogie applications AND at the same time not only meets, but even surpasses the fire protection requirements EN 45545-2. That means they open up a wide range of options in railway applications. A sample model ready for use on a multi-layer spring prepared for a maiden voyage was presented at the "Fire Safety in Railway Systems" symposium, enabling representatives from leading companies to review it with their own eyes. A fire test under real world conditions was performed before the eyes of the expert audience to demonstrate BATEGU technology's superior fire safety performance compared to conventional materials. The text version of the presentation given by Dr Dana Grefen and BATEGU Managing Director Frank Schmitt is documented in publication ISBN 978-3-940727-39-8, "Fire Safety in Railway Systems".